Function withRetries

  • Execute a callback that produces either a Task or the “sentinel” Error subclass StopRetrying. withRetries retries the retryable callback until the retry strategy is exhausted or until the callback returns either StopRetrying or a Task that rejects with StopRetrying. If no strategy is supplied, a default strategy of retrying immediately up to three times is used.

    The strategy is any iterable iterator that produces an integral number, which is used as the number of milliseconds to delay before retrying the retryable. When the strategy stops yielding values, this will produce a Rejected Task whose rejection value is an instance of RetryFailed.

    Returning stopRetrying() from the top-level of the function or as the rejection reason will also produce a rejected Task whose rejection value is an instance of RetryFailed, but will also immediately stop all further retries and will include the StopRetrying instance as the cause of the RetryFailed instance.

    You can determine whether retries stopped because the strategy was exhausted or because stopRetrying was called by checking the cause on the RetryFailed instance. It will be undefined if the the RetryFailed was the result of the strategy being exhausted. It will be a StopRetrying if it stopped because the caller returned stopRetrying().

    When attempting to fetch data from a server, you might want to retry if and only if the response was an HTTP 408 response, indicating that there was a timeout but that the client is allowed to try again. For other error codes, it will simply reject immediately.

    import * as Task from 'true-myth/task';
    import * as Delay from 'true-myth/task/delay';

    let theTask = withRetries(
    () => Task.fromPromise(fetch('')).andThen((res) => {
    if (res.status === 200) {
    return Task.fromPromise(res.json());
    } else if (res.status === 408) {
    return Task.reject(res.statusText);
    } else {
    return Task.stopRetrying(res.statusText);

    Here, this uses a Fibonacci backoff strategy, which can be preferable in some cases to a classic exponential backoff strategy (see A Performance Comparison of Different Backoff Algorithms under Different Rebroadcast Probabilities for MANET's for more details).

    Sometimes, you may determine that the result of an operation is fatal, so there is no point in retrying even if the retry strategy still allows it. In that case, you can return the special StopRetrying error produced by calling stopRetrying to immediately stop all further retries.

    For example, imagine you have a library function that returns a custom Error subclass that includes an isFatal value on it, something like this::

    class AppError extends Error {
    isFatal: boolean;
    constructor(message: string, options?: { isFatal?: boolean, cause?: unknown }) {
    super(message, { cause: options?.cause });
    this.isFatal = options?.isFatal ?? false;

    You could check that flag in a Task rejection and return stopRetrying() if it is set:

    import * as Task from 'true-myth/task';
    import { fibonacci, jitter } from 'true-myth/task/delay';
    import { doSomethingThatMayFailWithAppError } from 'someplace/in/my-app';

    let theTask = Task.withRetries(
    () => {
    doSomethingThatMayFailWithAppError().orElse((rejection) => {
    if (rejection.isFatal) {
    return Task.stopRetrying("It was fatal!", { cause: rejection });

    return Task.reject(rejection);

    Every time withRetries tries the retryable, it provides the current count of attempts and the total elapsed duration as properties on the status object, so you can do different things for a given way of trying the async operation represented by the Task depending on the count. Here, for example, the task is retried if the HTTP request rejects, with an exponential backoff starting at 100 milliseconds, and captures the number of retries in an Error wrapping the rejection reason when the response rejects or when converting the response to JSON fails. It also stops if it has tried the call more than 10 times or if the total elapsed time exceeds 10 seconds.

    import * as Task from 'true-myth/task';
    import { exponential, jitter } from 'true-myth/task/delay';

    let theResult = await Task.withRetries(
    ({ count, elapsed }) => {
    if (count > 10) {
    return Task.stopRetrying(`Tried too many times: ${count}`);

    if (elapsed > 10_000) {
    return Task.stopRetrying(`Took too long: ${elapsed}ms`);

    return Task.fromPromise(fetch(''))
    .andThen((res) => Task.fromPromise(res.json()))
    .orElse((cause) => {
    let message = `Attempt #${count} failed`;
    return Task.reject(new Error(message, { cause }));

    While the task/delay module supplies a number of useful strategies, you can also supply your own. The easiest way is to write [a generator function][gen], but you can also implement a custom iterable iterator, including by providing a subclass of the ES2025 Iterator class.

    Here is an example of using a generator function to produce a random but monotonically increasing value proportional to the current value:

    import * as Task from 'true-myth/task';

    function* randomIncrease(options?: { from: number }) {
    // always use integral values, and default to one second.
    let value = options ? Math.round(options.from) : 1_000;
    while (true) {
    yield value;
    value += Math.ceil(Math.random() * value); // always increase!

    await Task.withRetries(({ count }) => {
    let delay = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
    return Task.timer(delay).andThen((time) =>
    Task.reject(`Rejection #${count} after ${time}ms`),
    }, randomIncrease(10).take(10));

    Type Parameters


    • retryable: (status: RetryStatus) => StopRetrying | Task<T, E | StopRetrying>

      A callback that produces a Task<T, E>.

    • strategy: IterableIterator<number> = ...

      An iterable iterator that produces an integral number of milliseconds to wait before trying retryable again. If not supplied, the retryable will be retried immediately up to three times.

    Returns Task<T, RetryFailed<E>>