Class RetryFailed<E>

An Error subclass for when a Task rejected after a specified number of retries. It includes all rejection reasons, including the final one, as well as the number of retries and the total duration spent on the retries. It distinguishes between the list of rejections and the optional cause property inherited from Error so that it can indicate if the retries failed because the retry strategy was exhausted (in which case cause will be undefined) or because the caller returned a StopRetrying instance (in which case cause will be that instance.)

You can neither construct nor subclass this error, only use its properties. If you need to check whether an Error class is an instance of this class, you can check whether its name is RETRY_FAILED_NAME or you can use the isRetryFailed helper function:

import * as Task from 'true-myth/task';

// snip
let result = await someFnThatReturnsATask();
if (result.isErr) {
if (isRetryFailed(result.error)) {
if (result.error.cause) {
console.error('You quit on purpose: ', cause);

for (let rejection of result.error.rejections) {
} else {
// handle other error types

Type Parameters

  • E


  • Error
    • RetryFailed


cause?: unknown
message: string
rejections: E[]
stack?: string
totalDuration: number
tries: number
prepareStackTrace?: (err: Error, stackTraces: CallSite[]) => any

Optional override for formatting stack traces

stackTraceLimit: number


  • get name(): "TrueMyth.Task.RetryFailed"
  • Returns "TrueMyth.Task.RetryFailed"


  • Create .stack property on a target object


    • targetObject: object
    • OptionalconstructorOpt: Function

    Returns void