Function safe

  • Given a function which returns a Promise, return a new function with the same parameters but which returns a Task instead.

    If you wish to transform the error directly, rather than with a combinator, see the other overload, which accepts an error handler.

    You can use this to create a safe version of the fetch function, which will produce a Task instead of a Promise and which does not throw an error for rejections, but instead produces a {@Rejected } variant of the Task.

    import { safe } from 'true-myth/task';

    const fetch = safe(window.fetch);
    const toJson = safe((response: Response) => response.json() as unknown);
    let json = fetch('').andThen(toJson);

    Type Parameters

    • F extends (...params: never[]) => unknown
    • P extends never[]
    • R extends unknown


    • fn: F

      A function to wrap so it never throws an error or produces a Promise rejection.

    Returns (...params: P) => Task<R, unknown>

  • Given a function which returns a Promise and a function to transform thrown errors or Promise rejections resulting from calling that function, return a new function with the same parameters but which returns a Task.

    To catch all errors but leave them unhandled and unknown, see the other overload.

    You can use this to create a safe version of the fetch function, which will produce a Task instead of a Promise and which does not throw an error for rejections, but instead produces a {@Rejected } variant of the Task.

    import { safe } from 'true-myth/task';

    class CustomError extends Error {
    constructor(name: string, cause: unknown) {
    super(`my-lib.error.${name}`, { cause }); = name;

    function handleErr(name: string): (cause: unknown) => CustomError {
    return (cause) => new CustomError(name);

    const fetch = safe(window.fetch, handleErr('fetch'));
    const toJson = safe(
    (response: Response) => response.toJson(),

    let json = fetch('').andThen(toJson);

    Type Parameters

    • F extends (...params: never[]) => PromiseLike<unknown>
    • P extends never[]
    • R extends any
    • E


    • fn: F

      A function to wrap so it never throws an error or produces a Promise rejection.

    • onError: (reason: unknown) => E

      A function to use to transform the

    Returns (...params: P) => Task<R, E>