Function mapRejected

  • Auto-curried, standalone function form of Task.prototype.mapRejected.


    The auto-curried version is provided for parity with the similar functions that the Maybe and Result modules provide. However, like Result, you will likely find that this form is somewhat difficult to use, because TypeScript’s type inference does not support it well: you will tend to end up with an awful lot of unknown unless you write the type parameters explicitly at the call site.

    The non-curried form will not have that problem, so you should prefer it.

    Type Parameters

    • T

      The type of the value when the Task resolves successfully.

    • E

      The type of the rejection reason when the Task rejects.

    • F


    • mapFn: (e: E) => F

    Returns (task: Task<T, E>) => Task<T, F>

  • Auto-curried, standalone function form of Task.prototype.mapRejected.


    The auto-curried version is provided for parity with the similar functions that the Maybe and Result modules provide. However, like Result, you will likely find that this form is somewhat difficult to use, because TypeScript’s type inference does not support it well: you will tend to end up with an awful lot of unknown unless you write the type parameters explicitly at the call site.

    The non-curried form will not have that problem, so you should prefer it.

    Type Parameters

    • T

      The type of the value when the Task resolves successfully.

    • E

      The type of the rejection reason when the Task rejects.

    • F


    Returns Task<T, F>