Function get

  • Safely extract a key from a Maybe of an object, returning Just if the key has a value on the object and Nothing if it does not. (Like property but operating on a Maybe<T> rather than directly on a T.)

    The check is type-safe: you won't even be able to compile if you try to look up a property that TypeScript knows doesn't exist on the object.

    import { get, just, nothing } from 'true-myth/maybe';

    type Person = { name?: string };

    const me: Maybe<Person> = just({ name: 'Chris' });
    console.log(get('name', me)); // Just('Chris')

    const nobody = nothing<Person>();
    console.log(get('name', nobody)); // Nothing

    However, it also works correctly with dictionary types:

    import { get, just } from 'true-myth/maybe';

    type Dict<T> = { [key: string]: T };

    const score: Maybe<Dict<number>> = just({
    player1: 0,
    player2: 1

    console.log(get('player1', score)); // Just(0)
    console.log(get('player2', score)); // Just(1)
    console.log(get('player3', score)); // Nothing

    The order of keys is so that it can be partially applied:

    import { get, just } from 'true-myth/maybe';

    type Person = { name?: string };

    const lookupName = get('name');

    const me: Person = { name: 'Chris' };
    console.log(lookupName(me)); // Just('Chris')

    const nobody: Person = {};
    console.log(lookupName(nobody)); // Nothing

    Type Parameters

    • T
    • K extends string | number | symbol


    • key: K

      The key to pull out of the object.

    • maybeObj: Maybe<T>

      The object to look up the key from.

    Returns Maybe<NonNullable<T[K]>>

  • Type Parameters

    • T
    • K extends string | number | symbol


    • key: K

    Returns ((maybeObj) => Maybe<NonNullable<T[K]>>)